Monday, November 7, 2011

I Will Make You Love Me!

How's it going, Internet?

So, I know you already own a copy of my debut novel LOVE ME.
That's a given. Right? RIGHT?!?
Well, just in case you're not sure of what to think, here are a couple of reviews it has recieved so far:

The Hipster Book Club had some very nice things to say about it, as did Hampton Reviews, who gave it 5 stars. And 5 stars just happens to be what LOVE ME recieved from Jagged Edge Reviews as well.

So count 'em. Three reviews so far! And they all liked it!

Q: How can three people be wrong?
A: They can't. It's scientifically impossible.

So there you have it. You are bound by your faith in logic and science to praise LOVE ME in all it's various form, be it the Paperback or Kindle or the Holy Ghost.

And keep your eyes peeled, Dangerlings, because I have it on good authority that there are several more reviews coming in over the next few months.

Actually, don't peel your eyes. That'd be gross.

Hugs and kisses,

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Two Things!

Hello y'all.

Two quick things for you today:

#1. I have a new poem out called ODE TO BANANA at Clutching At Straws. I'm not much of a poet, but they like their verse weird over there, so on that front, I am happy to deliver.


#2. Jersey Devil Press has a new book out! Well, it's not exactly a new book as it came out in e-format a 2 months ago, but it's new in paperback, which is good news for you Luddites out there who enjoy books that eventually will rot. That is, unless you're really, REALLY a Luddite, in which case you probably only like your books in stone tablet form. I'm getting off topic here. What I'm trying to say is buy the paperback version SCREW THE UNIVERSE, the latest novel from Stephen Schwegler and Eirik Gumeny. I read it. It's funny as shit. Funny as clown shit, even.


Good times. Good times.
~ Danger!